Find out how hugs heal at and experience the magic of connection
Find out how hugs heal at and experience the magic of connection
Find out how hugs heal at and experience the magic of connection

Legal & Ethical

Cuddle therapy is a unique practice that provides emotional comfort and physical relaxation through safe, non-sexual touch. As more people seek the therapeutic benefits of human connection, understanding the foundational concepts of consent and boundaries becomes crucial for anyone involved in the practice—whether you’re a professional cuddler or someone interested in becoming one.

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of mastering consent and boundaries in cuddle therapy, offering insights that ensure a safe and respectful environment for both the client and the therapist.

We would love to hear your story! If you're a professional cuddler, email your story to us at

Your story could be featured as a blog post on our website, helping others understand the impact of cuddle therapy!